Vice President Dick Cheney has asserted his office is not a part of the executive branch of the U.S. government, and therefore not bound by a presidential order governing the protection of classified information by government agencies, according to a new letter from Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., to Cheney.
ABC News reports that Bill Leonard, head of the government's Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO), told Waxman's staff that Cheney's office has refused to provide his staff with details regarding classified documents or submit to a routine inspection as required by presidential order, according to Waxman.
plez sez: dick cheney never ceases to amaze me, but this latest move shows a set of cajones that i would never believe! this is an OG~pimp move that most mere mortals would not even dare to attempt! he is the sitting vice president of the united states and he has the audacity to say (i'm sure with a straight face) that his office is not bound by the rules that pertain to the executive branch.
now, i'm just wondering, what branch is he a part of?!? a special dick cheney branch that answers to neither the executive nor the legislative branch? a special dick cheney branch that answers to NO ONE?
i've said it before and i'll say it again... Dick Cheney should be impeached!
When Lyrics Get Lost in Translation
4 months ago
Old school mafiso
Branches, we don't need no steenkin' branches
everytime the Neo-cons use double speak, i get pissed at the left for not calling them out on it. How do you let your opponent make stuff up and not challange him on it. Thats not an O.G. move, thats a pimp move and we're getting pimped.
Gotta give it to Cheney and the republican hawks, they do so much dirt in plain sight and have perfected the skill of the "Jedi Mind Trick" on their base...
Great post. I was surprised. No doubt, this thing is going to blow up. Keep us posted.
torrance & ec,
dick is DON of the DC Mafia!
homeland & dj black adam,
i am sooooo disappointed with the current crop of democrats in washington... they were given a MANDATE to (1) get us out of Iraq and (2) clean up the mess that Bush has wrought on america... and they haven't done SQUAT! dick cheney has bitch-slapped the majority party (in both houses of Congress) they are too inept and impotent to do anything about it.
i'm really disappointed... dick cheney GIVES them reasons to run his ass out of Washington and it seems that the democrats are too scared to step up and do it!
i wish this THING would blow up... but i don't even think it got a mention nationwide on yesterday or today (except in the blogosphere)!
the democrats had so much political cache when they showed up in January and over the past 6 months, they've just pissed it away! i think their approval rating is now lower than george bush's rating... and who thought it could dip THAT LOW?!?
the dems are a bunch of NOBODIES!
the republicans will probably easily regain both houses of congress in 2008 (and probably keep the white house, as well)!
"Tattaglia's(Bush's) a pimp. He never coulda outfought Santino. But I didn't know until this day, that it was Barzini(Cheney) all along."
"The Godfather" is relevant in every arena.
@david Sullivan
When is our Michael going to show up and get those 2 their due
what i "don't" understand is - how can an ENTIRE country rant,bitch, moan, etc. about how AWFUL our president AND his crew are doing - but....still the prez & crew continue F'ing things up withOUT ANY repercussions. This is SERIOUSLY the MOST GangStah Gov't EVAH! They who have the GOLD truly DO rule in these "united" states....:eyes rolling w/ disgust at it all:
I just thank God EVERY Day that I come from a LOOOoooOooooOoonnnnnnG Line of survivors. If we can make it through the HellaCaust/Middle Passage, slavery, jim crow, etc. The Bush Admin's a walk in the park...filled w/ dog doo...
This Dick is more like Darth Vader than an OG, or an "ol' skool" mafioso type. I say that because sometimes he doesn't even seem real. His antics make me recall the 'hood paranoia of the eighties and early nineties, when everything was a conspiracy and the New World Order was taking over.
the NEW WORLD ORDER has taken over in the form of george bush & dick cheney!
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