Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Day One - February 14, 2006


Yeah, it was just a matter of time before I created my own BLOG. I'm a bit of an early adopter, but I've been a bit reticent about creating such a thing since my last foray into the Internet - the creation of a personal website - nearly consumed ME and all of my free time for a period of 3 years.

I have almost NOTHING to write about, since this thing was created out of the necessity of posting a comment to a friend's BLOG... So here goes...

When inspiration hits him OR when a turn in current events prompts him OR a particular feeling continues to haunt him OR when a incident causes a pause, prompts a belly laugh, or elicits a tear from him ... you can expect to (possibly) read about it here. How's that?

Currently listening to "Adore" by Prince on my iPod as I sign off... until next time.

02/14/2006 15:07 Eastern Time

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