Wednesday, December 27, 2006
James Brown's Greatest Performance
plez sez: This is the type of performance that shows the inspiration for other live performers like Michael Jackson and Prince. I've seen both of these guys perform and they are both GIANTS in the field, but it is evident from which well they drew their considerable sense for the dramatic. We're waiting to see the next Michael Jackson, Prince, or Luther Vandross, but I doubt we'll ever live to witness another groundbreaking artist of the likes of the Godfather of Soul!
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Dreamgirls - Today and Yesterday
But to get myself in the right frame of mind to truly enjoy the experience, I harken back to a kinder, gentler time... back in 1982, when Jennifer Holiday ruled the Broadway show with her rousing rendention of "And I Am Telling You." Listen and enjoy a truly remarkable LIVE performance:
1982 Tony Awards ~ Jennifer Holiday
Monday, December 25, 2006
Godfather of Soul, Dead at 73

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that James Brown - Godfather of Soul - has passed away at the age of 73. We've lost a great one.
An excerpt from the AJC article:
Brown's energy and charisma were a part of his personality both on and off stage.
When Brown sat for sculptor John Savage, Savage knew what sort of statue he wanted to create: a serious, classic, life-size bronze that would occupy a place of honor in Brown's hometown of Augusta.
"Like any classic sculpture, there would be no smile on the face," said Savage.
Brown hated the idea.
"Asking him to sit there and look serious, he absolutely looked like he was going to jump out of his skin, posing like that," said Savage. "He told me that he was all about happiness and joy; he was a smiling man, and he wanted a smile on his face."
There was joy in Augusta on May 6, 2005, when the statue was unveiled at a downtown park very near the street that had been renamed James Brown Boulevard in Brown's honor. Thousands lined the streets for a dedication that was a love fest between the town and its most famous son. On the face of the 600-pound bronze: a smile as big as day. Even bigger, and more blinding, was the smile on the guest of honor, James Brown, who accepted the accolades from a city that had been slow to celebrate the music legend.
His was a quintessential American success story; he credited his hard-scrabble upbringing for providing the inspiration for much of his music, and hard work for his triumph.
Abandoned by his mother at age 4, raised by his great-aunt in an Augusta whorehouse, Brown became one of the most influential figures in the history of American music. He generated a personal fortune, invented funk, and gave wings to the black power movement while supporting the most conservative of presidential candidates, including Richard Nixon. He was a masterful and demanding bandleader who set a standard for live performance only rarely exceeded. A prolific songwriter, he followed his own instincts, ignored the suggestions of his record labels and created the funkiest, most compelling dance music on the planet.
Though his top chart performance came in the 1960s, Brown's music has seeped into the DNA of American culture, and has been sampled on hundreds of contemporary hip-hop and dance albums, giving his music a persistent presence on the radio, television and in the movie theater.
James Brown was born May 3, 1933, in the piney woods near Barnwell, S.C. The one-room shacks where he lived had no power, no water and no windows. His father, Joe Gardner, was a turpentine worker who was often gone for days at a time. His mother, Susie Behlings, left her husband and child when James was a toddler, and the boy was frequently alone with his father's live-in girlfriends. This left young James to generate his own amusements. "It gave me my own mind," he wrote of his lonely childhood.
When he was 6, his father moved him to Augusta, and he lived in a brothel operated by his great-Aunt Honey, where the rent was $7 a month. His father never lived with him again.
The youngster helped pay for his keep by shining shoes, sweeping out stores and singing in talent contests. Convoys from Fort Gordon frequently traveled over a canal bridge just outside Aunt Honey's place, and Brown would buck dance for the passing troops, who threw change.
"They threw nickels and dimes, and I worked even harder, trying to get them to throw quarters," he wrote in "James Brown: The Godfather of Soul. "Boy, I wanted those quarters."
He was embarassed by his clothes, including his home-made underwear, and was determined to better himself. His determination drove him to break into cars parked in downtown Augusta.
At age 15 he was arrested for burglarizing vehicles. A few months later he turned 16 in jail, and was tried and sentenced to two-to-four years on each of four charges. He served at the Georgia Juvenile Training Institute in Toccoa, where even in prison he found a way to starch and press his blue jeans.
At a baseball game between the prison team and a local team, Brown met local gospel singer Bobby Byrd, beginning a fruitful relationship that would continue for 50-plus years.
"I was the shortstop; he was the pitcher," said Byrd.
Byrd and his family agreed that if Brown were released from prison, they would give him a place to stay and help him find a job. With that endorsement, Brown was freed after serving three years. He came out hungry, and determined to be the master of his own fate. But it wouldn't be the last time he served behind bars.
Brown found work at a garage, and sang with Byrd's group. "We patterned ourselves behind the Soul Stirrers," said Byrd, now a resident of Grayson, Ga. "I'd sing second lead and alto. He sang lead and tenor."
After seeing a Little Richard performance at Bill's Rendezvous, the group decided to turn secular, and to seek out Richard's manager in Macon. No one had any money. "The first night we got to Macon we slept in the graveyard," said Byrd.
First called The Flames, they renamed themselves the Famous Flames, reportedly prompting Little Richard to comment: "Y'all are the onliest people who ever made yourself famous before you were famous."
A talent scout in Macon heard a copy of a tune called "Please, Please, Please" they'd recorded at radio station WIBB (the diminutive Brown had to stand on a Coke crate to reach the microphone) and signed them to King Records in Cincinnati.
Cigar-chomping owner Syd Nathan hated the song, but put it out anyway in 1956. It sold a million copies.
Brown was the obvious centerpiece of the group, but when his managers started calling the group James Brown and the Famous Flames, the rest of the members quit in anger. Brown toured with pickup groups, then in 1957 absorbed some of the members of Little Richard's band after the rock-n-roller left pop music for the ministry.
He continued touring obsessively, sometimes playing 350 shows in a year, and — borrowing from several sources — created a spellbinding show, with tightly choreographed dance moves and theatrical set pieces. Brown would climb into the rafters or leap off the piano and land on the stage in a split. He altered the camel walk and the mashed potato, adding a flashy one-foot glide to fashion his own dance, the "James Brown."
He wanted to catch the intensity of his live shows on record, but King's releases failed to do them justice. Brown decided to make a live concert recording. Nathan wouldn't pay for it, so Brown put up the $5,700 himself.
He recorded a day's worth of performances during a week-long run at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, in the fall of 1962. "Live at the Apollo" stayed on the pop charts for 14 months, peaking at No. 2, which was unheard of for an R&B album. It was a faithful document of Brown's house-wrecking live show, with its rococo introductions from long-time master of ceremonies Danny Ray, and its peaks of intensity and valleys of ballad-singing repose, capped with the tried-and-true show-closer "Please, Please, Please."
It also set a standard of live recordings that has rarely been exceeded.
The music of the reigning black performer of the time, Ray Charles, suddenly appeared "old hat. . . with its orchestra of reading musicians and big-band book," wrote Peter Guralnick in "Sweet Soul Music."
By contrast, Brown was super-heated, and spontaneous. His musicians — the band sometimes had as many as two dozen members — worked from "head" arrangements, and memorized the show backwards and forwards, ready at a moment's notice to segue between songs, change keys, break it down for a solo, or vamp indefinitely if Brown found a chord he wanted to work.
He controlled the group with screams, spoken commands and hand gestures, keeping a sharp eye out for any missteps, bad notes or sloppy dress. Brown punished mistakes with fines levied on the spot. (Five fingers flashed at the perpetrator five times equalled a $25 punishment.)
A steady flow of musicians went through this combative learning experience, usually quitting in frustration to make room for younger players. While Brown battled to get control of his record contract, his music continued to evolve, becoming more and more driving.
Brown bought a Lear jet, and a house in Queens designed to look like a castle, with a drawbridge and a moat.
In the meantime, his politics grew ever more complex.
In 1968 he recorded "Say it Loud (I'm Black and I'm Proud)," which became a rallying cry for the black power movement, rattling the cages of Black Panther-watchers. That same year he released the flag-waver, "America is My Home," drawing criticism from African-Americans and the left. (He'd also recorded "Don't Be A Dropout" around the same time, which was used by vice president Hubert Humphrey for a stay-in-school campaign.)
Brown appreciated music beyond genre classifications. He started out as a gospel performer, frequently used gospel opening acts, and loved the gospel records that Elvis Presley released.
According to his former comptroller Fred Daviss, of Perry, Brown chartered a jet and flew to Memphis on the day after Presley died, and stood in the Graceland living room chatting with the family, paying his respects and crying until early in the morning. Presley and Brown were just "two old country boys," said Daviss. "They loved each other, and loved each other's music."
The end of the '60s brought an end to Brown's chart dominance. He would return to the Top 10 only one more time, with "Living in America," from the 1985 soundtrack to "Rocky IV."
A high-profile cameo in the 1980 "The Blues Brothers" movie also boosted Brown's profile. Other incidents during the 1980s brought him attention for all the wrong reasons. He was arrested on multiple occasions for drug and firearm offenses, climaxing with a bizarre incident in 1988 that resulted in a high-speed chase, ending only after police shot out all four of his tires.
Sentenced to six years, he was imprisoned from 1988 to 1991.
Out of prison, Brown bounced back again, assembling a new band and touring world capitols through the next two decades. He also withstood a steady shower of awards: a lifetime achievement Grammy in 1992 (he had already been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in its first year, 1986); the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2001, and a Kennedy Center award in 2003 presented in a special ceremony at the White House.
His tumultuous personal life also generated headlines. Adrienne Lois Brown, his third wife, who he married in 1982, had him arrested several times on abuse charges. Yet the two reconciled, and Brown was crushed when Adrienne died of complications from cosmetic surgery in 1996.
Commercially, Brown was resuscitated when hip-hop artists began paying for the samples of his music that they've been borrowing since the 1980s.
Brown's ability to come back from defeat was a theme in his life. Long-time friend and political activist Rev. Al Sharpton touched on that theme during the dedication of the Brown statue in Augusta.
"If you are broken and think you cannot come back, come to Augusta, look at James Brown's statue, and see a man who always came back."
He certainly bounced back from his last prison stint. The Kennedy Award highlighted a fruitful period, during which Brown earned up to $150,000 a night playing to adoring crowds in Europe and Asia and at lucrative festivals in the U.S., according to longtime advance man Bob Patton.
One of his side-men told Rolling Stone magazine that despite the lack of radio hits, the James Brown band would work forever, because James Brown's music is now a part of the American landscape. Like a face on Mt. Rushmore, the craggy Brown profile would never go out of style. "It's like we're up there with Bugs Bunny, Mickey Mouse. There's no other comparison."
Today the band is silent. Their leader has gone from mortal to immortal. But on radios around the United States, you can be assured that the gravelly voice is commanding an audience somewhere: "Get up!"
Check out this boisterous live performance by the Godfather of Soul in Europe from the 1970's with "Get Up (Sex Machine)" and "Get on the Good Foot":
plez sez: James Brown is a personal icon of mine... I love good music and to me, this is where Soul, R&B, and Funk begins! I have the complete boxed set of his music and if you are ever riding in my car, you will undoubtedly be subjected to my singing backup to his "Get Up (Sex Machine)" or breaking out in a "Cold Sweat" or playing that air-trombone with Fred Wesley on "Doing It To Death." James Brown revolutionized soul music, invented funk music, and led the Black is Beautiful movement with his revolutionary hit "Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud."
My father was the biggest fan of James Brown that I know! He used to regale us with stories of watching James Brown's live shows at the Apollo in New York City in the early 1960's. My father had an 8-track player installed in our Cadillac Coupe Deville and the ONLY tape that we listened to was by James Brown. My father loved to tell us how well that dude could dance and sing and entertain the crowd; my father even wore his hair in a permed pompadour, like the "Godfather." It is my hope that they have finally met up in heaven as the two funkiest brothers at the Pearly Gates!
In his heyday, the "Godfather" was known as the "Hardest Working Man in Show Business," without James Brown, there is no Michael Jackson, there is no Prince, there is no Bootsy Collins, there is no Usher, there is no Parliament, there is no Funkadelic.
In order for me to channel my thoughts into this post, I had to throw on some "Make It Funky" with JB and Bobby Byrd on the intro:
Bobby: What you gonna play now?
JB: Bobby, I don't know... but whatever I play, it's got to be FUNKY!
JB: 1-2-3...Make it funky
ALL: Make it funky - Make it funky - Make it funky - Make it funky!
Oh yes, we've lost a national treasure, but the Godfather's timeless style of music is going to be making us all FUNKY forever!
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Soulful Christmas Songs
Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song
Stevie Wonder - One Little Christmas Tree
The Temptations - Silent Night
Merry Christmas, Ya'll!!!
O Holy Night
deliver a rousing rendition of the Christmas standard:
The reason for the season.
Merry Christmas, ya'll!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Every Year, Every Christmas
Some Luther Vandross to put me in the mood for Christmas:
...every year, every Christmas...
Merry Christmas, ya'll!!!
Friday, December 22, 2006
Ball's Out for the Gator Bowl

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Reggie Ball will be replaced by his backup Taylor Bennett, who's only other start during his 3 years on the Flats was the earlier mentioned UConn game, in which he threw a touchdown on his first snap from scrimmage. Reggie Ball has been ruled academically ineligible and will have to sit out the last game of his college career.
NCAA rules require that players be in good academic standing. They also require seniors to pass at least six hours in the fall semester to be eligible for a bowl. Tech rules require seniors to maintain a 2.0 grade-point average to play, according to the athletics department Web site. Academic advisers and assistant coaches track athletes' academic progress, but Head Coach Chan Gailey is quoted as saying with seniors, "you rely more on their evaluation [of whether they're in trouble academically]."
Though, often maligned as not being "media-friendly," aloof, and worse... Tech fans are indebted to Reggie Ball for producing 4 winning seasons, 4 bowl appearances, more starts than any other Georgia Tech quarterback, the second most wins by a Georgia Tech quarterback, 2 clutch wins over Auburn (one at Jordan-Hare Stadium), 2 big wins over Miami (one at the Orange Bowl), and this season's trouncing of Virginia Tech. The biggest blemish on his record has been Tech's inability to slay those dreaded Georgia Bulldogs during the last 4 seasons (even though the last two outings were close games that were won on the last possession of the game).
The ACC Championship Game was the second big letdown for the team and the fans, after losing to Georgia to end this season. Ball didn't have his best game and we ended up losing the ACC Championship to an inferior Wake Forest team. Wake Forest goes to a BCS Bowl (Orange Bowl)... and Georgia Tech was relegated to the Gator Bowl in Jacksonville, Florida.
UPDATE 12-23-2007: The AJC reports that Reggie Ball will appeal his "D" grade in a class that made him academically ineligible, but it won't get him back in Georgia Tech's bowl game.
Next, congratulations to my Kappa Alpha Psi frat brother and starting Georgia Tech tight end Michael Matthews. Big Mike will be playing in his final game as a Yellow Jacket in the Gator Bowl, but more importantly, he received his degree from Georgia Tech last week! I wish him and his family all the best because his future is so promising.

And this also begs the question is how can someone be at Georgia Tech for 4 years and then SUDDENLY not be able to play the last game of his career because of academic problems? Grade problems don't just crop up during the last week of a semester. Since the loss to UGA, there has been a LOUD cry for his backup to play; I have a sinking feeling that if Georgia Tech had won one of the last two games, he'd be playing on New Years Day!
It is a tough row to hoe, being a college student and a semi-professional athlete at the same time. These young men have to practice, attend study sessions, review game film, go to class, meet with classmates and professors, pay their bills, deal with their families and friends... and then put on a show every Saturday afternoon in the fall. Some guys will handle this better than others. Some guys will succeed where others will not fair so well. Georgia Tech is a tough academic environment, there were times when I struggled at Georgia Tech, and I didn't have to worry about running from 290 lb linemen every Saturday who's main intent was on rearranging my bone structure!
Some will say that these young men get paid with a free education. I say that is BULLSH*T! Georgia Tech will receive more than $4 million dollars just for showing up at the Gator Bowl, their payout would've been over $10 million dollars if they had beaten Wake Forest and gone to the Orange Bowl! These young men are pimped by college athletic programs for their god-given talents and entertainment value. The colleges and universities always get much more than the value of tuition, room, and board.
I feel bad for Reggie Ball and I'm glad that I didn't use my season ticket status buy tickets (and rent a hotel room and buy plane tickets) to attend the Gator Bowl. I think it is an affront to my intelligence and the intelligence of the fans to think that we couldn't figure out that when BIG MONEY is involved, these college football programs will do almost anything to appease the fan base. I hope we beat West Virginia, but I have a feeling that Pat White & Company is going to run us out of the gym (i.e. score ALOT more points than us)!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Christmas Cheer?!?

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED to the Adopt-a-Family program!!! Because of your generosity, we reached our goal of $1,000!! Initially the family of a single mother and six children only requested the necessities: bed linens, bath towels, dishes, etc., but we also wanted to make their holiday a fun and cheerful one, so we asked what each of the children wanted. Last night we used the donations to purchase gifts for the family as a whole and for each individual child. Below is a list of what "Kat" and her children, JaMarcus, 19; Clara, 18; Jasmine, 14; Tiara, 13; Kalik, 5; and Mary Ann, 4 will be receiving this holiday season!!
8 Sets of Towels (hand, wash, and bath)
5 Sets of Bedding (comforter,
sheets, pillow cases)
3 DVDs
3 CDs
2 Sets of Dishes
2 Portable
CD Players & Batteries
2 Cabbage Patch Kids
2 Barbies
2 Beanie
2 Sets of Playdough
1 Sweater Set
1 Pair of Sneakers
Caboodle with Makeup Kits
1 Candyland Game
…and 1 20 Inch TV/DVD Player Combo!!!!
We will be wrapping these gifts today at 11:30 and delivering them on Thursday. Thanks again for helping this family have a memorable holiday!
plez sez: Now, I'm not trying to be ugly or a Scrooge, but does anyone (other than me) see something wrong with this picture?!?
I see something wrong on a number of fronts:
(1) In even the best of times, it would seem that having 6 children would be quite a burden on a family with two middle-class incomes. Now throw in the fact that you are a single mother with a period of 15 years between the first and last child, one would think that this "family" now poses quite a burden on our society. Since this group in my company is providing them with Christmas gifts, I have no doubt that this family also relies on the city, county, and state to provide them with other sustenance to survive. I'm not naming any names, but SOMEONE needs to have her tubes tied - real tight!
(2) I can see asking the children (aged 4 to 14) for their Christmas Wish List, but why in the heck are an 18 year old and 19 year old lined up for a handout? And why are we giving it to them? I will bet that at least one of those DVDs and at least one of those CD Players are for the older "children."
(3) What kind of message are we sending to these young adults and teenagers? Go ahead, be irresponsible and have as many babies as you want and someone else will take care of you!
(4) Who doubts that Ms. "Kat" won't have another mouth to feed by next Christmas?
(5) I love the idea of providing essentials: towels, bedding, dishes, etc. during this time of Christmas Cheer, but why are we buying so many non-essential items: numerous toys and dolls, 2 CD players, DVDs, and a TV/DVD Player combo? Since we are in the northeast and we're heading into the winter, why didn't this family ask for more clothes for the bitter cold weather: coats, hats, more than one sweater set, gloves, mittens, scarves, boots, etc?!? Why didn't this family ask for some books or supplies for school?!?
(6) And lastly and most troubling, the "haves" at my job can assuage their wavering guilt (i.e. White Guilt) by making a trifling and token contribution to the "have-nots" while snickering in private about the entire sorry lot that lack the education and resources to pull themselves out of poverty. When reading about the travesty that is this adopted family, the uninformed "haves" can quickly fall back on any of a number of stereotypes: lazy, shiftless, shameless, uneducated (you should notice that no books or school implements were on the Wish Lists), ignorant, poor, welfare dependent, fatherless (who wants to wager that these 6 kids were fathered by no less than 2 different men?), lack of self-control and impulse-control... and the list goes on and on!
NOTE: I am no longer working in this group, but I still receive correspondence because I'm still on the e-mail distribution list for the group. I did not make a contribution.
And after reading the e-mail in question, plez's wife wrote: have to ask why she's still buying stuff for the 18 and 19 year old. They should understand her situation. But maybe they don't realize it's as bad as it REALLY is since she keeps having babies.
I'm done... just call me, Ebenezer!
Oh yeah, Merry Christmas, ya'll!
Cynthia McKinney Parkway - Revisited

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:
A Republican state lawmaker is seeking to strip U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney's name off a DeKalb County road saying she "has brought embarrassment to the state of Georgia."Later in the article, John Evans, McKinney's campaign manager, has a response to Rep. Walker's claim that McKinney has caused embarrassment to Georgia, "He must be talking about white folks or uppity black folks."
State Rep. Len Walker's resolution would switch Cynthia McKinney Parkway back its original name — Memorial Drive — partly to honor victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
"Her tenure in Congress has been marked by controversies and rhetoric that has brought embarrassment to the state of Georgia," said Walker on Monday. The lawmaker is a United Methodist minister who represents parts of Walton and Gwinnett counties.
In 2000, State Sen. Gloria S. Butler (D-Stone Mountain) successfully proposed renaming Memorial Drive – from Candler Road in Decatur to U.S. Highway 78 in DeKalb County — to Cynthia McKinney Parkway. Butler said McKinney deserved the honor because she secured $14 million in federal funding for DeKalb to upgrade Memorial Drive.
plez sez: Three things enter my mind after reading this article:
(1) If you've ever driven down Memorial Drive (AKA Cynthia McKinney Parkway) lately, you will notice that not ONE DIME of that $14 million dollars has been spent to upgrade the road. Legitimate businesses have closed and have been replaced with ethnic-looking bodegas of questionable value - I was really pissed when the only golf shop in east metro area closed. All things being equal, Memorial Drive has descended into some of the worst urban blight in the county; it is one of the areas in the DeKalb County that I tend to avoid because of the plethora of obviously under-insured immigrant drivers who crowd the road!
(2) Some people would refer to me as "uppity," but any sane person of modest means would deplore the actions of Cynthia McKinney while she was a Congresswoman from the State of Georgia. As evidenced by her district drumming her out of office earlier this year during the Democratic Primary and Run-off, there must be a lot of "uppity black folks" who agree with me!
(3) It's days like this when I wished that I was a state legislator, because I wouldn't hesitate to co-sponsor this bill. Cynthia McKinney should be entered into evidence as to why streets and buildings should be named for people after they are DEAD! To be very honest with you, I have no idea why it was renamed for her in the first place.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Run, Obama, Run! - Part 2
plez sez: Run, Obama, run! *smile*
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A Christmas Carol from Tufts University
This update of "O Come O Ye Faithful" was written by some supposedly smart Tufts University college students in their conservative rag called The Primary Source. Of course, the little twits have already removed the offensive "carol", but some of the comments written by the papers' readers are just as eye-opening and revealing.
O Come All Ye Black Folk
Boisterous yet desirable
O come ye, O come ye to our university
Come and we will admit you
Born into oppression
O come let us accept them
O come let us accept them
O come let us accept them
Fifty-two black freshmen
O sing gospel choirs
We will accept your children
No matter what your grades are F's, D's, or C's
Give them privileged status
We will welcome all
O come let us accept them
O come let us accept them
O come let us accept them
Fifty-two black freshmen
All come!
Blacks we need you
Born into the ghetto
O Jesus we need you now to fill our racial quotas
Descendants of Africa with brown skin arriving
O come let us accept them
O come let us accept them
O come let us accept them
Fifty-two black freshmen
plez sez: I would be too ashamed to admit that a child of mine could be so filled with racism and hate to write such a thing. What's sadder still, is that this wasn't the only "carol" that they came up with... all of them are equally offensive and lacking in creativity.
I also feel sorry for Tufts University, as I'm sure they will have a difficult time next fall trying to find even 5 Black students who will want to enroll in a university that harbors students with such a racist and crazy view of Black people.
WOW! This kind of stuff really puts me in the Christmas Spirit!
Top SEC Coaching Jobs

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reached out to former SEC head coaches and asked them to rank the coaching jobs in the SEC Conference, taking into account fan support, recruiting base, financial resources, athletic facilities, expectations and backing from administration when things get tough — as they inevitably will.
1. Florida
With an athletics budget of more than $66 million and a premier prospect-packed home state that rivals Texas and California, Florida was an easy choice for No. 1.
plez sez: Florida may boast the most blue chip football players in the US, but every coach will also have to deal with the ghost of the Ole Ball Coach (Steve Spurrier) looming over his shoulder. They canned Ron Zook after 3 years, 9 & 10 win seasons, but no SEC Championships.
2. Georgia
When Vince Dooley arrived in Athens in 1964, he inherited a program that relied heavily on out-of-state recruits. Then the landscape of the state changed (the population boomed in the 80's and 90's), and the job changed with it.
plez sez: Even though, it's been over 20 years, Georgia can still point to their lone National Championship in 1982 with Herschel Walker. With so many blue chip players, the close proximity to Atlanta, the lack of competition for the top players in the state, a rabid fan base, and relatively low expectations (UGA fans are happy to win the SEC East), this is a great job.
3. LSU
Some would argue LSU should be a spot higher because of the number of top-notch high school players Louisiana produces and the financial commitment the school has made to football. But there's some uncertainty around the job. Hurricane Katrina scattered many top high school players to adjoining states. No one knows if that will have an impact on LSU's future recruiting. Also, it's no secret Fisher and Pelini want to be head coaches.
plez sez: There is some instability with the job, in the last 10 years there have been numerous head coaching changes, but then again, Baton Rogue is a backwater outpost in Louisiana. They love their football, but they also have to recruit out of state. I would've ranked this program 5th behind Florida, Georgia, Auburn, and Tennessee.
4. Tennessee
Neyland Stadium, one of college football's great showplaces, seats 107,000 and is packed for every game, be it Alabama or Air Force. When recruits come to Knoxville for visits, they also see one of the country's top indoor practice facilities and hear about the program's stability. Fulmer has been in place since 1993, making him the SEC's longest-tenured coach.
plez sez: The state of Tennessee is only going to produce a handful of top recruits for a program like UT, so this job requires a lot of out-of-state travel. It's also in the tough-as-nails SEC East with perennial powerhouses Florida, Georgia, and upstart South Carolina. Also, the current coach has been there forever, in SEC coaching years.
5. Auburn
Auburn gets the edge over state rival Alabama for a few reasons. First of all, the Tigers have won five in a row against the Tide and have been able to keep their coaching situation relatively stable. Since Tommy Tuberville was nearly fired in 2003, the Tigers have gone 32-5. They'll play in their third consecutive New Year's Day bowl in a few weeks.
plez sez: And Auburn was shafted out of playing for the National Championship in 2004! The school is in close proximity to the top recruits in Florida and Georgia. This job would be third on my list behind Florida and Georgia... just ahead of Tennessee.
6. Alabama
In 2002, Alabama committed to spend $47 million on a Bryant-Denny Stadium face-lift. So facilities, which for so long lagged behind the rest of the SEC, are no longer an issue. Several coaches say the program is micromanaged and that it will take a strong personality to be a consistent winner in Tuscaloosa.
plez sez: This school has had the misfortune of not producing a consistent winner in the past 10 years, having a merry-go-round of coaches in the last 10 years AND being in the same state as Auburn (with its 3 First Round NFL Draftees from 2 years ago). In addition, Alabama fans (the whole slack jawed lot of them) are waiting for the next Bear Bryant and any program that looks to return to its former glory under a particular head coach will NEVER realize its goal. No one wants this job (I'd probably turn it down if they called me!). This program is way past its freshness date and I have them ranked them below South Carolina and Arkansas!
7. Arkansas
Frank Broyles, 81, is Arkansas football: he is in his 50th year at Arkansas and 34th as athletics director. Having a former football coach as an AD is a good thing, the ex-coaches said. Broyles also knows how to find money and how to spend it. He has used his powerful political connections to raise more than $200 million and turn Arkansas' athletic facilities into the country's finest. Arkansas high school football can't compare to that of Florida, Georgia and Louisiana, but it is improving due to the influx of people to the state who either work directly for Bentonville-based Wal-Mart or for companies who do a major portion of their business with Wal-Mart.
plez sez: Although, they shocked many with their winning of the SEC West, Arkansas still falls into the bottom half of the SEC for top head coaching jobs. Recruiting must be a headache - similar to the situation at LSU and Tennessee. I have this job ranked below South Carolina, but ahead of Alabama.
8. South Carolina
The Gamecocks have captured only one title of any kind in their long football history. They've won more than eight games in a season just twice. And if Steve Spurrier takes them to a bowl in 2007, he'll be the first coach to accomplish that for three straight years. Still, ex-coaches say, this is an underrated job because the fans always show up and support the program.
plez sez: If you can beat Clemson, you're doing your job at USC. You'll have to recruit heavily in Florida and Georgia to be competitive. But you're in a nice southeastern US location and the relatively low expectations that come with the job, this is a cake assignment. Luck up and win the SEC East one year... and they'll erect a statue of you!
9. Ole Miss
From 1947-63, Ole Miss won six SEC titles. Since then, the Rebels have zero. There's a lot to sell in Oxford: a tradition that includes Archie and Eli Manning; Vaught-Hemingway Stadium, which was expanded in 2002; an $18 million indoor practice facility. And tailgating on a Saturday at The Grove is one of the most unique experiences in college football.
plez sez: Mississippi is in the second smallest state in the SEC, but it has three Division I-A programs (go figure); the city of Atlanta has more people than the entire state! To even field a team, this head coach must recruit tirelessly and it selling the state of Mississippi must be a tough sell to even the most enlightened Black youngster. I would rank being a head coach at this school near the bottom of the barrel, just above Mississippi State.
10. Kentucky
The "basketball school" label isn't the only obstacle a coach has to overcome in Lexington. First of all, Kentucky isn't known for shelling out big bucks, with Rich Brooks the SEC's lowest-paid head coach ($729,000). Second, with Steve Spurrier now at South Carolina, Kentucky will find it tough to be better than fifth in the SEC East.
plez sez: The football season in Kentucky just means that the basketball season will be starting soon! Low pay, low expectations, few blue chip recruits (who'll probably be lured to a big time program), and a fickle fan base equals a low ranked place to coach.
11. Mississippi State
Like its sister institution in Oxford, Mississippi State must overcome being located in a small population area while being in the SEC West, which also includes Alabama, Auburn, LSU and Arkansas. Sylvester Croom, the former Alabama player who came from the Green Bay Packers and only Black head coach in the SEC, makes $940,000 per year, which is third-lowest among the league's public school coaches. Jackie Sherrill (the Shill) used a combination of high school and junior college recruits to improve the level of play. Some years, it worked. Others, it didn't. In 1998, the Bulldogs reached their one and only SEC title game, losing to Tennessee.
plez sez: Once you factor in that Mississippi State is located in Starkville, MSU is Ole Miss divided by two. This has got to be the worse job in the SEC, you'd be better off at Duke in the ACC!
12. Vanderbilt
Vanderbilt is by far the SEC's toughest job, the ex-coaches said, because of its high academic standards, relatively small alumni base and puny stadium. It also hasn't helped Vanderbilt football that the university administration decided to do away with the position of athletics director and bring the entire department under the office of vice chancellor for student life. Rival schools used that against Vandy in recruiting, questioning its commitment to football.
plez sez: To Vanderbilt's credit, they can recruit for pure student-athletes who do not have the pressure of performing for NFL scouts every week. Since I attended a college with high academic standards, a relatively small alumni base, and a smallish stadium, I can appreciate how this would be a low ranking head coaching job in the SEC. They won't be contending against Auburn or LSU for the SEC West during any of our lifetimes!
plez's Top SEC Coaching Jobs:
1. Florida Gators
2. Georgia Bulldogs (Dawgs)
3. Auburn War Eagles
4. Tennessee Volunteers
5. LSU Tigers
6. South Carolina Gamecocks
7. Arkansas Razorbacks (Hogs)
8. Alabama Crimson Tide
9. Kentucky Wildcats
10. Vanderbilt Commodores
11. Ole Miss Rebels
12. Mississippi State Bulldogs
Monday, December 11, 2006
Clarence Thomas - An American Hero

In the article, Foster-Bey writes:
The question that this raises is: Are the efforts to vilify Justice Thomas really in the best interests of the black community — or the nation as a whole? Because he is a Supreme Court justice, Clarence Thomas is arguably one of the most, if not the most powerful blacks in the country. In addition, he represents the cutting edge of an emerging debate between the traditional black liberal leadership (and its white liberal allies) and a new black conservative alternative about how best to address the future development of the African-American community. If discourse and debate is central to a healthy, well-functioning democracy, there should be a least some concern that the political development of the black community is being limited by the attempts of many black liberals to silence black conservatives, such as Justice Thomas, with name-calling ("Uncle Tom") and marginalizing.
Another excerpt from the article states:
The passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act brought the longstanding debate in the black community between self-reliance versus reliance on government effectively to an end — at least among the African-American leadership class. The debate was embodied in the early-20th-century positions of Booker T. Washington — who argued for self-reliance and internal development — and W. E. B. Dubois — who argued for massive political and systemic change. With the enactment of the new law, advancement for the African-American community was henceforth primarily tied to increasing the federal government's role in promoting opportunity for blacks. This meant not only reducing and eliminating illegal forms of discrimination, but also finding ways to make up for past injustices. While in the past African Americans argued that eliminating barriers and unfair, unjust, and illegal constraints were all that was needed, the new orthodoxy argued that the black community needed a progressive, activist government committed to promoting the rights of African Americans and redressing the wrongs of the past. Thus was the foundation for affirmative action and a variety of other race-based programs born.
plez sez: It seemed like only yesterday that I watched with rapt attention as Clarence Thomas withstood his "high tech lynching" on the way to becoming only the second Black person to occupy a seat on the U.S. Supreme Court. Having never heard of him and never having seen a confirmation hearing for a Supreme Court justice, the melodrama that played out with Anita Hill and pubic hairs on a Pepsi can was quite interesting. I admit that I was a bit torn as I read and researched for this post, as I am a beneficiary of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's and affirmative action programs of the 1970's. I can't say that I'd be where I am without those vehicles of government intervention and their redress of wholesale past wrongs done to Black people. I feel strongly that the Movement was instrumental in creating a viable and sizeable Black Middle Class. The affirmative action movement has turned the corner on 30 years and has me questioning its effectiveness today.
I find a few issues with many affirmative action programs (and any program that includes government intervention). I have an issue with accountability: there is no such thing as a free lunch, you should have to pay something to receive something, and to my way of thinking, ancestry (skin color, religion, etc.) isn't enough. Without putting "skin in the game," one will not appreciate their rewards. You will readily throw away something that you got for free before you part with something that you worked your behind off for!
Another issue that I have is the lack of measurable results from these "solutions." Do you set goals (or quotas) to measure success? Is there a timetable for when these goals should be met? Do we know that children who are bussed from the inner city to the suburbs have better grades than the one who do not? When dealing with human capital, it is usually very difficult to measure the success or failure of a program. Social engineering is a tricky business wrought with unintended consequences. When enacted, a program should have measurable goals within a specific time frame, without these things in place; any affirmative action program will more than likely be viewed as a failure.
As the chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, there is no doubt that Clarence Thomas saw more failure than success with affirmative action programs, thus coloring his judgment as to the effectiveness of these programs. I would like to see programs that prepare more Blacks for inclusion and opportunity (training programs, low interest loans, etc.), rather than programs that seek redress for past discrimination. It is possible that by tearing down the traditional 40 year old Civil Rights paradigm, we (as Black folk) may be able to move forward in a more inclusive and less divisive manner.
He may be right (and only time will tell if he is wrong), but I have to give kudos to Justice Thomas for giving it a shot!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Run, Obama, Run!

Blitzer: "You want to be president or you want to be vice president?"
Obama: "Well, you don't run for vice president."
Blitzer: "So what does that mean? You want to run for president?"
Obama: "I answered the question, Wolf. I've got to go vote."
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The Audacity of Christmas!

plez sez: I couldn't resist this editorial cartoon by Mike Luckovich from today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution ... oh yeah, Happy Holidays, ya'll!
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
"A Girl Like Me" - The Video

From the Uth TV website: Kiri Davis, 16, wanted to make a film that explored the standards of beauty imposed on today's black girls. How do these standards affect her self-esteem or self-image. Through making this film I learned a lot about where some of these standards might stem from.
This is a 7 minute video showing the attitudes of Black children (mainly girls) and what it means to them to be Black in the 21st century. There is even a segment on the test where Black children are asked to choose the "good" baby from a set of White and Black baby dolls; this "test" was part of the basis for the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 Brown vs. The Board of Education .
plez sez: From the video, we can see that there certainly is no advantage to being Black. In short, it appears that it is not much better to be Black in 2006 than it was back in 1954!
Friday, August 25, 2006
An Un-Funky Friday
I decided to add an extra note about the composer and/or score that I heard. What follows are the works that transpired during an un-Funky Friday in my home office:
1. Armas Jarnefelt - Berceuse
The Finnish-born composer enjoyed a career as a conductor and composer in Sweden, eventually taking Swedish citizenship. "Berceuse" is one of his better known works.
2. Anton Rubinstein - Don Quixote, Op. 87
The Russian pianist and composer founded the St. Petersburg Conservatory (1862). His compositions include chamber music, operas, and six symphonies; he was also a pianist and highly regarded as a rival to Franz Liszt and has been described by historians as one of the greatest virtuosos in history.
3. Robert Schumann - Symphonic Etudes, Op. 13
The Symphonic Etudes, opus 13 is a set of etudes for solo piano by Robert Schumann, begun in 1834 as a set of eighteen variations on a theme by the Baron von Fricken. In 1852, Schumann republished the set under the name Etudes en forme de variations, and made several revisions.
4. Carlos Chavez - Sonata for Four Horns
The composer was born near Mexico City, Mexico in 1899 and is considered one of the most important composers of the 20th century. During the 1950's and 1960's he received a number of commissions for new works, including three symphonies: Symphony No. 4 (commissioned by the Louisville Symphony Orchestra), Symphony No. 5 (Sergei Koussevitsky Foundation), and Symphony No. 6 (New York's Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts). He died in 1978.
5. Hector Berlioz - Symphonie fantastique. Op. 14
Many believe that the Symphonie fantastique is an autobiographical confession, a symphony to exorcise his then-unrequited love for the Irish Shakespearian actress Harriet Smithson, whom he would later marry.
6. Ernst Boehe - Odysseus' Voyages, Opus 6, No. 1
Taken from a review written by David Hurwitz for "Written in an idiom somewhere between Brahms and Strauss, Boehe for the most part sounds refreshingly free of the usual problems that beset conservative German, British, and American music from the turn of the last century: a fear of exploiting orchestral color to its fullest, a pedantic approach to form, and an emotionally inhibited expressive range."
7. Edward Elgar - Serenade for String Orchestra in E Minor, Op. 20
Elgar is a composer who is probably best known for the Pomp and Circumstance Marches (1901).
8. Dmitri Shostakovich - Symphony No. 9 in E Flat Major, Op. 70
The ninth symphony was intended to be a celebration to the Russian victory over the Nazi Germany in the World War II, which the composer once declared in 1943 that the symphony would be a large composition for orchestra, soloists and chorus which the context would be "about the greatness of the Russian people, about our Red Army liberating our native land from the enemy". The Symphony was first performed on 3 November 1945 by the Leningrad Philharmonic Orchestra.
9. Johannes Brahms - Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 120
Brahms wrote a number of major works for orchestra, including four symphonies, two piano concertos, a Violin Concerto, a Double Concerto for violin and cello, and a pair of orchestral overtures. Brahms idolized Beethoven: in his home, a marble bust of Beethoven looked down on the spot where he composed.
10. Franz Schubert - String Quartet No. 15 in G Major, D.887
This is piece is used in Woody Allen's "Crimes and Misdemeanors" to accompany the death and discovery of the body of the character Dolores, played by Anjelica Huston.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Class of 2010 - I Must Be Getting Old!
At the beginning of the fall semester since 1998, Beloit College in Wisconsin has released the Beloit College Mindset List. This list is the creation of Beloit’s Keefer Professor of the Humanities Tom McBride and Public Affairs Director Ron Nief, it looks at the cultural touchstones (icons and events) that have shaped the lives of today’s first-year students.
Members of the class of 2010, entering college this fall, were mostly born in 1988. Billy Carter, Lucille Ball, Gilda Radner, Billy Martin, Andy Gibb, and Secretariat died before these students were born. I was born in 1962, you can do the math.
1. The Soviet Union has never existed and therefore is about as scary as the student union.
plez sez: I still remember the drill of hiding under my desk at school in the event that the Soviet Union "dropped the bomb" on us.
2. They have known only two presidents.
plez sez: I was born when Kennedy was in the White House and remember every one from "Tricky Dick" Nixon to W.
3. For most of their lives, major U.S. airlines have been bankrupt.
plez sez: I used to fly to college on Piedmont and Eastern Airlines.
4. Manuel Noriega has always been in jail in the U.S.
plez sez: He's still alive?
5. They have grown up getting lost in "big boxes."
plez sez: I remember when the small town I grew up in opened its first fast food restaurant: a Kentucy Fried Chicken that only had one kind of fried chicken.
6. There has always been only one Germany.
plez sez: The East Germans were as reviled as the Soviets.
7. They have never heard anyone actually "ring it up" on a cash register.
plez sez: As a teenager, I bagged groceries at the first store that had scanners to read the bar codes on packages and every package didn't even have them.
8. They are wireless, yet always connected.
plez sez: My mother still uses a rotary phone in her house.
9. A stained blue dress is as famous to their generation as a third-rate burglary was to their parents'.
plez sez: Ahhhh... the days of Watergate when every Republican was considered a crook.
10. Thanks to pervasive headphones in the back seat, parents have always been able to speak freely in the front.
11. A coffee has always taken longer to make than a milkshake.
12.Smoking has never been permitted on U.S. airlines.
plez sez: Airline seats used to have ashtrays built into them.
13. Faux fur has always been a necessary element of style.
plez sez: Faux fur has always been tacky.
14. The Moral Majority has never needed an organization.
15. They have never had to distinguish between the St. Louis Cardinals baseball and football teams.
plez sez: Or how about the Los Angeles Rams and the Baltimore Colts?
16. DNA fingerprinting has always been admissible evidence in court.
17. They grew up pushing their own miniature shopping carts in the supermarket.
plez sez: Paper or plastic?
18. They grew up with and have outgrown faxing as a means of communication.
plez sez: You could never read the fine print on faxes anyway.
19. "Google" has always been a verb.
plez sez: You can find ANYTHING on the Internet.
20. Text messaging is their email.
plez sez: In early systems, email was confined to the company that you worked for.
21. Milli Vanilli has never had anything to say.
plez sez: Fab and Rob should've kept their "Best New Artist" Grammy - so what, they couldn't sing. Don't forget my number.
22. Mr. Rogers, not Walter Cronkite, has always been the most trusted man in America.
plez sez: "And that's the way it is..."
23. Bar codes have always been on everything, from library cards and snail mail to retail items.
plez sez: Just think, someone used to have to go around a grocery store and put a small tag with the price on everything.
24. Madden has always been a game, not a Superbowl-winning coach.
plez sez: Go Raiders!
25. Phantom of the Opera has always been on Broadway.
26. "Boogers" candy has always been a favorite for grossing out parents.
plez sez: Never heard of 'em.
27. There has never been a "skyhook" in the NBA.
plez sez: There will ALWAYS be a "sky hook" in the NBA.
28. Carbon copies are oddities found in their grandparents' attics.
plez sez: Press real hard when you write so your signature shows up in triplicate.
29. Computerized player pianos have always been tinkling in the lobby.
30. Non-denominational mega-churches have always been the fastest growing religious organizations in the U.S.
plez sez: I think it was Karl Marx who said, "Religion is the opiate of the masses".
31. They grew up in mini-vans.
plez sez: I hate mini-vans.
32. Reality shows have always been on television.
plez sez: What ever happened to classic westerns like "Rawhide", "Gunsmoke" and "Bonanza"?
33. They have no idea why we needed to ask "...can we all get along?"
plez sez: We owe so much to Rodney King and the Los Angeles Police.
34. They have always known that "In the criminal justice system the people have been represented by two separate yet equally important groups."
plez sez: "Law and Order" is the best show on television.
35. Young women's fashions have never been concerned with where the waist is.
plez sez: HUH?
36. They have rarely mailed anything using a stamp.
plez sez: Thank God!
37. Brides have always worn white for a first, second, or third wedding.
plez sez: No comment.
38. Being techno-savvy has always been inversely proportional to age.
plez sez: Back in the olden days (the early 80's), older, rich people where the only ones who could afford new technology.
39. "So" as in "Sooooo New York," has always been a drawn-out adjective modifying a proper noun, which in turn modifies something else.
plez sez: Whatever!
40. Affluent troubled teens in Southern California have always been the subjects of television series.
plez sez: Let's thank Aaron Spelling for another indelible cultural icon: "Beverly Hills 90210", which started in 1990.
41. They have always been able to watch wars and revolutions live on television.
plez sez: I remember very grainy black and white clips about what was going on in Vietnam during the nightly news, but to this day, I have no idea why we were over there fighting - similar to Iraq, except we now have CNN giving blow-by-blow details in high definition television.
42. Ken Burns has always been producing very long documentaries on PBS.
43. They are not aware that "flock of seagulls hair" has nothing to do with birds flying into it.
44. Retin-A has always made America look less wrinkled.
plez sez: Good thing I am aging gracefully.
45. Green tea has always been marketed for health purposes.
plez sez: Hey, Lipton's with a slice of lemon ain't half bad, either.
46. Public school officials have always had the right to censor school newspapers.
47. Small white holiday lights have always been in style.
plez sez: My parents' Christmas trees always had lights that were all of the colors of the rainbow, and each bulb was about 300 degrees. For some reason, the little candles we put in each window only had blue 300 degree lights.
48. Most of them never had the chance to eat bad airline food.
plez sez: Well, the airlines rarely feed you these days, now they don't even serve peanuts.
49. They have always been searching for "Waldo."
plez sez: Who's Waldo?
50. The really rich have regularly expressed exuberance with outlandish birthday parties.
51. Michael Moore has always been showing up uninvited.
52. They never played the game of state license plates in the car.
plez sez: I always found that game to be boring, because I grew up in New York with 3 older brothers and I always got stuck with states like Montana and Idaho!
53. They have always preferred going out in groups as opposed to dating.
plez sez: And people wonder why we have movies like "Brokeback Mountain" in wide distribution.
54. There have always been live organ donors.
55. They have always had access to their own credit cards.
plez sez: My 5 year old daughter keeps asking me for her own cell phone - what is this world coming to?
56. They have never put their money in a "Savings & Loan."
plez sez: My first bank account was in my town's Savings & Loan when I was 6 years old - $20 I got for my birthday.
57. Sara Lee has always made underwear.
plez sez: Does she still make coffee cake?
58. Bad behavior has always been getting captured on amateur videos.
plez sez: No pictures, please.
59. Disneyland has always been in Europe and Asia.
plez sez: When I grew up, Disney was in California.
60. They never saw Bernard Shaw on CNN.
plez sez: WOW! Bernie Shaw ushered in the cable revolution and round-the-clock news reporting.
61. Beach volleyball has always been a recognized sport.
plez sez: Only at family reunions.
62. Acura, Lexus, and Infiniti have always been luxury cars of choice.
plez sez: Cadillac Coupe DeVille with power windows, 8 way seats, and an 8 track player - now that's luxury.
63. Television stations have never concluded the broadcast day with the national anthem.
plez sez: When I grew up, you couldn't watch TV past midnight, because all of the stations went off the air until 5 am.
64. LoJack transmitters have always been finding lost cars.
plez sez: The first car I bought after I graduated from college had LoJack; my car was never stolen, so I don't know if the damn thing even worked.
65. Diane Sawyer has always been live in Prime Time.
66. Dolphin-free canned tuna has always been on sale.
plez sez: Shhh... don't tell anyone, but that dolphin meat added flavor.
67. Disposable contact lenses have always been available.
plez sez: There's no good excuse not to pick on the nerdy geeks anymore; it used to be in bad taste to hit someone who was wearing glasses.
68. "Outing" has always been a threat.
plez sez: See #53.
69. Oh, The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss has always been the perfect graduation gift.
plez sez: Graduation from kindergarten, I presume?
70. They have always "dissed" what they don't like.
plez sez: How trite.
71. The U.S. has always been studying global warming to confirm its existence.
plez sez: And Al Gore ahs finally confirmed that it exists... only 20 years after starting the Internet.
72. Richard M. Daley has always been the Mayor of Chicago.
plez sez: And Michael Jackson has always been the King of Pop - I had to find a way to mention his name on here somehow.
73. They grew up with virtual pets to feed, water, and play games with, lest they die.
plez sez: Are there virtual pet cemetaries?
74. Ringo Starr has always been clean and sober.
plez sez: "I get high with a little help from my friends" - as sung by Ringo Starr on the Beatle's hit "A Little Help from My Friends" on the "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" album in 1967.
75. Professional athletes have always competed in the Olympics.
plez sez: It all goes back to those dreaded East Germans and their professional athletes and steroids.
© 2006 Beloit College, Beloit, Wisconsin
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
"Survivor" of the Races

There will be a tribe of African-Americans, Whites, Latinos, and Asian-Americans. Does this sound like a good idea to you? Are you offended? Will you watch it?
plez sez: My wife is the Queen of Reality TV, we probably record upwards of 10 hours a week in reality television programming: "Amazing Race", "Big Brother", "I Wanna Be A Soap Star", "Run's House", "Making the Band 3", "Wife Swap", "Supernanny", "Dancing with the Stars", "Project Runway", "Hell's Kitchen", "America's Next Top Model", ad nauseum! She is a little skeptical about the how the tribe members were picked for the show to ensure each racial group has a good swimmer, someone who can function outside, and someone who has ever had to build a fire.
I'm skeptical about the "producers" picking teams that highlight certain racial stereotypes - negative and positive. I'm also worrying what "Survivor" will do in subsequent seasons, pair up KKK and Black Panther tribes, Palestinians and Israeli tribes, Canadians and Americans, Red State and Blue State tribes ... where will it end?!?
To be honest, I'm not offended, actually, it may be a lot of fun! People tend to enjoy socializing with their kind anyway, it may be interesting to see how the teams fare in competition. I wonder if there are any macaque monkeys on Cook Island?
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Senator George Allen: 'Macaca' Is Racist
Like many of you, I'd never heard of the word and didn't think much of it, until I read what Jeffrey Feldman wrote in his Frameshop blog, "Yesterday, when the news broke that George Allen called someone at a campaign stop a 'macaca,' I did some Google searches to find out what it meant. As it turns out, the question is not if 'macaca' is a racist term, but which of the three definitions of the word 'macaca' did George Allen intend when he used it?"
It turns out that the word means the same thing in a number of languages:
- 'Macaque' - French : racist slang; a dismissive epithet used by Francophone colonials in Africa for native populations of North and Subsaharan Africans, similar to the English word 'nigger.'
- 'Macaca' - English : racist slang; similar to the word 'nigger', used to describe Arabs.
- 'Macaca' - English : racist slang; used by American white supremacists in 'insider' talk about African-Americans.
plez sez: While standing before a group of his ardent supporters, George Allen shows his true colors!
This is the same George Allen who stirred controversy as governor of Virginia by issuing a proclamation noting the South's celebration of Confederate History Month without the mention of slavery. Now, he goes on the campaign trail using a veiled and racist code word to refer to a person of color, basically calling him a nigger to his face.
Fifty years ago, it's obvious that George Allen would be leading a lynch mob. This isn't the type of man who should leading a state, or righting laws, or - heaven forbid - running this country. It is time for the people of Virginia to send this yokel back to where he came from!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
A Musical Interlude
Nothing like a mellow (yet funky) Prince tune and alittle ditty by those hard ass JBs while I throw back this Dewars on the rocks. ENJOY!
Prince - Darling Nikki (album version)
Fred Wesley & The JBs - Doin' It To Death
Joe Lieberman and the Demise of the Democrats

Joe Lieberman lost the Democratic nomination for the US Senate in Conneticut. He still plans to run in November... as an Independent! He's too liberal to be a Republican (ran for Vice President with Al Gore in 2000). He's too conservative to be a Democrat (kisses up to President Bush and gives his support to the War in Iraq). So much for Red States and Blue States!
Joe Lieberman may well be ushering in the demise of the Democratic Party as we know it. During his "concession/announcement" speech last night, he said that he would be running as an Independent Democrat because, "For the sake of our state, our country and my party, I cannot and will not let that result stand." If you ask me, he is running because the "will of the people" mean absolutely nothing to him. If election laws in Georgia permitted it, I'm sure Cynthia McKinney would run for Congress as a Bad Hair Day Democrat.
And it looks like the party will continue to splinter along special interest lines until it no longer exists. On the horizon, I can see Left-wing Democrats, Moderate Democrats, House Negro Democrats, Field Negro Democrats, Latino Democrats, AFL-CIO Democrats, Gay Rights Democrats, and Woman's Rights Democrats in the future. The party no longer has the glue to keep itself together, it couldn't even mount a formidable offense against a weakened George Bush during the last Presidential Election Cycle.
If the Democrats do not win back either the House or the Senate in November, I predict that the party won't survive the next decade (and Joe Lieberman will help the cause by splintering the Democratic vote and will allow a Republican to take that seat in Conneticut). The Democrats may've run their course, like the Whigs!
My Last Cynthia McKinney Post...
Hank Johnson walloped the fading Congresswoman in all areas of the 4th Congressional District. He is quoted as saying, "It is clear, where most people have a low opinion of the work of our Congress, that they want to see things done differently."
U.S. House - District 4 - Democratic Runoff
Hank Johnson 58.8%
Cynthia McKinney (i) 41.2%
100% of the precincts reporting
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Cynthia McKinney had to take the opportunity to throw some more dirt into the fray by complaining about "voting irregularities" - she claims her name did not appear on some ballots and the voting machines were not working properly in some precincts. But with the results that have been reported, it appears that her complaints are merely sour grapes at losing something that she's held for so long.
The people of the 4th District have FINALLY spoken "Truth to Power" and have given The Cynthia McKinney Congressional Sideshow its walking papers.
plez sez: Good riddance!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Cynthia "Video Vixen" McKinney
Here is Cynthia McKinney (and her well-wishers) shufflin' and grinnin' after her bid to return to Congress was thrown into a run-off election. The only things missing are Cindy Sheehan in blackface and a couple of watermelons!
Shake that thang!
Shake that thang!
You gotta shake that thang!
Before you hit the play button, please swallow whatever you are eating or drinking, or I guarantee that it is going to come shooting out of your nose! Enjoy!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Cynthia McKinney & Hank Johnson Sputter to a Draw!

Tonight at 7:30pm, Cynthia McKinney finally showed up for a televised debate with challenger Hank Johnson as they prepare for the Democratic run-off election for the 4th Congressional District of Georgia. The winner of this election is almost guaranteed the winner of the general election in this overwhelmingly Democratic district.
The debate was simulcast on GPTV (Public Broadcasting) and C-SPAN. It was moderated by local Atlanta news people. If political hardball is your thing, then this was a real slugfest ... unfortunately, both politicians emerged only slightly bruised without a clear cut winner. If you are a McKinney supporter, you probably thought she won. If you are a Johnson supporter, you probably thought that he won. If you were undecided, I doubt that either candidate did anything to make you want to run out and vote on August 8th.
The robot-like Johnson jabbed continuously at McKinney's midsection with the following:
- Missing in Action: McKinney has missed a number of votes in Congress on matters that would have importance to the constituents in the 4th District.
- Desperation: McKinney is in a run-off election for her political life and she, in her desperation, will say or do anything!
- Doesn't Play With Others: Because of her shrill and bombastic manner, no one (neither Democrats nor Republicans) want anything to do with her and as a result, she is ineffectual in Congress.
- Outsiders' Money: Although, McKinney tried to portray Johnson as the recipient of lots of money from outside the state of Georgia, she basically conceded that the bulk of the money she has received for her campaign came from states like New York, California, and Nevada.
The bubbly McKinney counterpunched Johnson's flank with the following pablum:
- Tax Liens & Bankruptcy: Johnson admitted to some financial problems stemming from non-payment of taxes back in the 1980's, as a result he had to file for bankruptcy.
- Cozy with Republicans, Developers, and Landfill Operators: McKinney kept hammering away to the fact that Johnson has seeming strong Republican support, with campaign contributions from a former Republican Gubernatorial Candidate and large business owners; in addition, she kept punching away about him being cozy with "developers" and "landfill operators" who do business with DeKalb County.
- Too Quiet: McKinney speaks "Truth to Power" and she claims that Hank Johnson will go to Washington and keep his mouth shut, since he is going to be a lackey for the Republicans-in-Charge.
- Overdevelopment in DeKalb County: On Hank's watch, there was a massive sewage spill and a big water main break just last week in DeKalb County. Ms. McKinney attributed these problems to Hank Johnson being cozy with the Developers and allowing them to overdevelop the county
Each delivered some nice punches, but neither had the sustained coordinated effort needed to build the momentum for a knockout punch (it was like watching two bantam weights flail at each other for 3 rounds and then have the referee call it a draw). Each stayed firmly entrenched in their 3 or 4 talking points and rehearsed responses. The moderators couldn't even get much of a rise out of McKinney for her Capitol Hill incident (which Johnson never followed up on - it obviously wasn't on his notes). And no one can get a rise out of the robotic Hank Johnson, his responses were always monotoned, short on details, and replete with George W. Bush-like sound bites (maybe he is cozy with Republican speech writers).
Well, I already voted (last week)... and there was nothing offered tonight that would've made me switch my vote to Cynthia McKinney. In my opinion, they sputtered to a draw.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Cynthia McKinney to Debate Hank Johnson

The article states, "We’ve gotten word from the Atlanta Press Club that all candidates in the statewide, televised run-off debates the group will host on GPTV have confirmed their attendance.

plez sez: My, my, my! What a difference a poor showing in the Primary Election and an erosion of your political base will do to you. Just two weeks ago, Ms. McKinney was too confident that she would win the primary election outright, so she blew off all political debates and forums that included her two primary challengers. But when it was clear that there is so much Anti-McKinney Sentiment in the Fourth Congressional District, Ms. McKinney knows that she is in a fight for her political life.
She limped back into Congress when her last serious contender (Denise Majette, who beat her handily in the 2002 Primary Election) decided to run for the U.S. Senate. If she looses her grip on the Fourth again, she may as well move to Clayton County where those voters may be more inclined to warm to her particular brand of "loud-mouth-do-nothing" representation that has marred her 12 years of Washington, D.C. occupation.
I'm not that concerned about the outcome of the debate on Monday, July 31st: Cynthia McKinney will undoubtedly look like a buffoon who needs to start packing her assortment of hot combs that currently sit in her in Washington, D.c. office, and Hank Johnson will come off as a cool and staid, yet competent, alternative to the McKinney Sideshow we've been unfortunate to witness for the past 12 years. My only hope is that the voters return to the polls on August 8th and send a clear message that Ms. McKinney's brand of politics (and behavior) is deemed unacceptable by the constituents of Georgia's Fourth Congressional District.
BLOG UPDATE (July 31, 2006): The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that a new poll shows Hank Johnson with a 2-to-1 lead over incumbent Cynthia McKinney in the Democratic run-off for the 4th District Congressional race.