The SugarPlum is home on spring break this week. She wanted to type a contribution to plezWorld. Enjoy!
hello everbody my name is sugarplum this is my first time on my daddy's blog. few days ago i was at my house and we were eating dinner and waching TV WHICH WAS CNN and we saw micheile obama and she was at a primary class. so i said thats not fair. so my mom said if you want them to come to your school write a note.
so my mom gave me and idea to write PRESIDENT OBAMA A LETTER. so i went to schooll then my teacher patrick helped me write that good curssive writing and then we malied the letter to the WHITE HOUSE .
thank you and god bless you HAPPY easter. love sugarplum xoxoxoxo
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plez sez: the above posting is presented with limited editing by me. the SugarPlum is a 7-year old Montessori school student... simply brilliant like her dear ole dad!
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And enjoy I did.. That was very sweet.
this is the sugar plum tell all your friends thank you god bless you kim for more info go to youtube.com
Thank you for the blessing and the great idea. I think I will write a letter to the First Lady myself, just to tell her what a great lady I think she is. Have a Happy Easter also.
Youtube is one of my favorite sites online..:-)
this is the sugar plum my mommy loooves the first lady tooo
thank you. love sugar plum
Great Job Sugar Plum!
I can't wait to see the pictures of you and your classmates with Mrs. Obama, how cool will that be. Keep up the great work, and continue to reach for the stars!!!
dear fergie
this is the sugar plum im happy that you like it and rember you left me a commet about what can one little person do ya. thats me love sugar plum xoxoxoxo
Kudos --- this is something your daughter will always remember.
Kim, Fergie, and Straight Talk,
thanks for dropping by... the SugarPlum has been ecstatic about the response her very first blog post has generated. something tells me that there will be more! *smile*
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