The AfroSpear
In April 2007, plezWorld wrote: "...the AfroSpear is the realization of a think tank of Black (African-American) progressives to discuss, muse, and ruminate issues that affect our communities. Inasmuch, we are not a monolithic entity, the AfroSpear will encourage lively debate, discourse, and an occasional disagreement as we hone a thought or platform on a particular issue. With the power of the current bloggers on the AfroSpear list, I'm encouraged that positive and actionable results will become self-evident."
The Milestone
On yesterday, plezWorld added the 150th member to the AfroSpear Blog Roll (yeah, i'm the blog roll administrator). I joined this little group alittle over one year ago with about two dozen other Black bloggers from around the world. since that time, the membership has grown by leaps and bounds; and we may finally be suffering from growing pains. With power comes responsibility to use it wisely. The AfroSpear has become such a daunting force in the blogosphere that we have had to institute stringent rules for membership and a number of Black bloggers have been turned away. AfroSpear authors are being booked on television and radio shows, the bloggers have found their way into a number of articles of top newspapers around the country, and some members are finding celebrity and a great following for their blogs.
It is my hope that this very important milestone gives the collective AfroSpear membership a reason to pause and consciously deliberate on how we will continue to grow within this vast medium.
I remain optimistic about the future of the AfroSpear!
The AfroSpear BlogRoll
On yesterday, plezWorld added the 150th member to the AfroSpear Blog Roll (yeah, i'm the blog roll administrator). I joined this little group alittle over one year ago with about two dozen other Black bloggers from around the world. since that time, the membership has grown by leaps and bounds; and we may finally be suffering from growing pains. With power comes responsibility to use it wisely.
The Afro-Spear has become such a daunting force in the blogosphere that we have had to institute stringent rules for membership and a number of Black bloggers have been turned away.
AfroSpear authors are being booked on television and radio shows, the bloggers have found their way into a number of articles of top newspapers around the country, and some members are finding celebrity and a great following for their blogs.
The problem with the Afro Spear is found in the above account. The Afro Spear places quantity before quality.
The Afro Spear place their value and worth in the amount of their members and what little fame or notoriety they have achieved.
In the absence of defined intelligence the Afro Spear Leadership, rank and success is equated by the amount of their membership.
Jesse Jackson recently referred to Pastor and author T.D. Jake's as being the biggest tree in the forest because he has more members than Bishop Blake, Bishop Eddie Long or the Reverend James Meeks.
The former organizer of the Chicago black professional group also recently excitedly exclaimed, "We are victims of our own success!" The organizer was basing the group's success on the amount of members in the group.
Black professional groups, politicians and the Afro Spear constantly equate success by numbers.
The Afro Spear celebrate the quantity of members yet ignore the quality of their worth.
Real and true success is not found in the quantities value; it is measured by the quality of the product produced.
The classification of "professional" is extremely overrated.
Visit any Afro-Spear blog on this matrix and read how many discussions have to do with advanced subject matters.
I pay close attention to the subject matter and reply of any given discussion.
The reply rate for discussions put forth by the Afro Spear is for all practical purposes non-existent and the replies that are rendered are often well beneath the expectations of the Afro-Spears' collective intelligence.
It staggers the imagination how "professionals" of any self worth can complete high school, college and graduate school and yet have nothing to say, add or bring to a discussion board of any intellectual value.
The Afro-Spear 150 members are likened to scarecrows that stand motionlessly in the fields of opportunity while other races gather around and pluck the nutrients needed for our survival.
Enoch Mubarak
Mubarak Inter-prizes
brother mubarak,
you wrote: "The Afro Spear celebrate[s] the quantity of members yet ignore[s] the quality of their worth."
first, i am but one member of the AfroSpear who noted the milestone of 150 bloggers added in alittle over one year. that hardly equates to an AfroSpear-wide CELEBRATION!
and since you brought it up, how would we quantify the quality of our members' worth?
it's obvious that you have some very strong views as to what should be the mission and direction of the AfroSpear, maybe the AfroSpear needs a provocative thoughtleader such as you. you make some valid and salient points... perhaps you will lend your knowledge and expertise to the ranks of the AfroSpear?
keep in mind, most AfroSpear members are not professional writers nor journalists. if they are anything like me, they use the blog medium as a personal outlet for news and events that affect their world. i know that i don't have the time nor the energy to delve and research many "advanced subject matters." but i'm sure the AfroSpear tent is large enough to welcome someone who is as dynamic and progressive as you appear.
I envision the Afro Spear has the point of the sword as we aggregate the 21st century.
I envision 150 black writers promoting, advocating and supporting a single project where we all have a stake in winning, losing, living or dying together.
A project where it is all for one and one for all. A progressive project that will insure our livilhood and existence for generations to come.
I am requesting that you present this post to your membership.
I will join the Afro Spear if you can gain majority support for this progressive proposal.
I am asking that the Afro Spear to.....
Mubarak Inter-Prizes has quietly been developing and researching a new African American Agenda of inclusion and technology. We have achieved great success in both arenas.
We have produced the 2008 African American Agenda and we are currently and quietly assembling funds to further researching our advanced technological concept.
The 2008 African American Agenda is called, "Undercover Smart,- 5 Steps To World Domination.
Undercover Smart is presented with extreme clarity and divine articulation. The 2008 African American Agenda is clear and concise.
Every facet of the 2008 African American Agenda is presented in real time.
In real time the reader is the source that verifies the truth.
Nothing has been left to individual interpretation, imagination or speculation.
Unlike failed initiatives, programs or agendas from the past this agenda will not fail.
It will not fail because everyone has access to the same and identical agenda, plan, technological concept and escape route.
The very same and exact plan is available to each and every African American man, woman and child by way of "Undercover Smart."
The new technological concept we are researching will bypass the Spanish players, trump the European players and place the black race in 2nd place behind the Chinese players.
The new technology will make African Americans indispensable in the 21st Century and beyond.
The black race new technology will directly aggregate and compete in the current digital communications technological world of today.
The Motorola Corporation has already gotten wind of "our" technological concept and has begun research into its viability.
If other races or companies should develop and perfect this technology before we do we will be hard pressed to make ourselves indispensable in the 21st century and beyond.
Undercover Smart is our only way out and It's the only plan on the table.
"Undercover Smart" is the only way to save you and the ones you love and the one's I love.
I am asking you to endorse Undercover Smart as the 2008 African American Killer Application.
President, CEO
Enoch Mubarak,
Mubarak Inter-prizes
I neither applied nor I did not ask to join the Afro Spear. The administrator of the Afro Spear extended the invitation to me. I replied that I would join under a certain condition.
My condition for joining hinged on a specific proposal set forth by Mubarak Inter-prizes. The Afro Spear administration missed the entire essence of the proposal.
My vision and proposal was not about joining the Afro Spear. Mubarak Inter-Prizes proposal is about organizing the Afro Spear to be a journalistic force to put black America on course with a unified plan of action to insure our survival in and beyond the 21st century.
The Afro Spear lacks the mental ability to grasp the seriousness of our situation to wit: If Obama wins we will need an infrastructure if he loses we will need shelter.
It is not necessary that I join the Afro Spear. The essence of the post "Endorse the killer Application" is for the Afro Spear to join the struggle for the survival of Black America.
There is a survival war going on and 150 black writers sitting on the sidelines with individual voices is a waste of valuable resource.
I ask the administrator of the Afro Spear to propose to the Afro Spear membership body that they support the killer Application by unifying their 150 voices to write in harmony.
The following is my vision, request and original message presented to the Afro Spear administration:
I envision the Afro Spear has the point of the sword as we aggregate the 21st century.
I envision 150 black writers promoting, advocating and supporting a single project where we all have a stake in winning, losing, living or dying together.
A project where it is all for one and one for all. A progressive project that will insure our livelihood and existence for generations to come.
I am requesting that you present this post to your membership.
I will join the Afro Spear if you can gain majority support for this progressive proposal.
I am asking that the Afro Spear.....
The following is the Afro Spear administrators return response to me.
Mr. Mubarak,
The AfroSpear rules state that your blog must have been in existence for at least six months before you will be considered for membership. I just took the opportunity to look at the four blogs under your name and neither fits that criteria.
There is also a minimum number of posts over a time period that is required. You will have to wait a number of months before either of your blogs are eligible. Thanks.
End of administrators response.
I wrote a proposal to the administrator for him to address his membership body. Where in his reply did he mention in any shape, form or fashion that he addressed the proposition to the membership body?
Did the administration at least call for a meeting with their membership body?
The administration responded back with a response totally and absolutely unrelated to the request. The administration of The Afro Spear responded back without even discussing the proposal with his membership?
Instead of addressing the memership body concerning the proposition he writes back telling me the rules for joining.
I am the president of a company under the impression that I was in turn talking to a administrator, decision maker or viable spokesperson on behalf of the Afro Spear.
My error was in thinking that because he represented himself as the administrator of the Afro Spear that I was negotiating and proposing a proposition with a power that be, but his reply reveals something far less than leadership or a power that be.
If his reply represent the crowning intellectual jewel inside the Afro Spear thinking and logic then black America, know that his reply is an insult to Black America and a embarrassment to the collective intelligence of 150 black readers, writers and authors of the Afro Spear.
The administrators reply has absolutely nothing to do with the proposal as presented to him for the benefit of addressing the membership body of Afro Spear.
The response by the administrtor of Afro Spear is a upclose and critical look inside the minds of 150 members being unwittingly represented and spoken for by The Afro Spear's administration.
I'm proud of where the AfroSpear has gotten in its first year. This is what I see going on now:
"The AfroSpear is a national and international group of Black self-determination bloggers collectively using our blogs and our influence to improve the lives of Blacks politically, socially, economically, culturally, antod even spiritually. AfroSpear bloggers use their blogs and their voices in various different ways, depending upon their expertise and preferences, to promote the goals of the AfroSpear, of improving the lives of Black People throughout the Diaspora politically, culturally, economically, socially, and even spiritually.
The AfroSpear maintains a highly credible and effective advocacy voice for Black people that is heard loudly, clearly and influentially throughout the Diaspora. The AfroSpear does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, religion, gender, sexual preference, native language, ethnicity or disability, but its members are Black bloggers who are prepared and determined to consistently use their AfroSpear blogs and their voices in a collaborative AfroSpear effort to pursue the political, economic, social, cultural and even spiritual improvement of the lives of Black people throughout the Diaspora."
I love the AfroSpear!
thanks francis.
you've moved the conversation from credible to ludicrous. i maintain the blog roll, i'd prefer not to be referred to as "the administrator" and i take offense to implication that i'm some mindless minion lost in the vast cogs of the AfroSpear... i've been around since Day One! you should recognize that there are RULES in place to reduce the likelihood of some "crackpot" blogger gaining admittance to our ranks!
upon further review of your stance and views... they don't appear to be very progressive, actually they don't appear at all!!! your flowery language belies your ability to enunciate what you are actually proposing to do (other than sell a few of your own books, which undoubtedly contain the secret to unlock this vast power within the Black community)... if you take a hard look in the mirror, beyond being the president of some fake organization, you'll see that "the emperor has no clothes!"
Plez, that is a remarkable achievement. Thank you very much for sharing it with your blog readers. I'm sorry that you have do endure this eunich guy as a result ... but, eunich's like him wouldn't care if there were 15 of us ... having 150 quality Black blogs in The AfroSpear is a remarkable feat...
peace, Villager
If all you can envision is me attempting to sell books then truly no man is blinder than he that can see but refuses to.
Just betewwen you and me the B.R.S.C.C. is real but if you want to find out more about it, I put it in a book.
Don't settle for fake because you refuse to look in a book to verify its' true existence.
Also don't feed into the hype brother. If Villager regards 150 black boggers a remarkable feat out of 38 million African Americans then all your compliments bear scrutiny.
i'm all ears (or in this case, all eyes)... like i said, i've been to ALL FOUR of your blogs which have a total of six entries amongst them... all entries dripping of your empty rhetoric and bold promises. what is this "KILLER APPLICATION" of which you speak?
can you give me (and my readers) a brief synopsis that will compel us to run out an purchase your book?
you are selling a book, right?
As it not occurred to you that I stand, strong, straight,hard, black and unafraid in the presence of my enemies.
How is that possible to accomplish when standing upon empty rhetoric and bold promises?
It is possible because my enemies respect the truth that I am telling you.
If it were to be anyone other than me they would have come for you long ago.
Black America, I am not selling books. I am saving lives.
It is unfortunate for you however that I put the solution in a book.
Also my brother why would you insult my intelligence by asking me to tell you the contents of the book but yet in the same breath you refuse to spend $15.00 to hear anything I have to say.
Everything you are asking me is in the book and depending where you go buy the book it may even be returnable.
Don't deny your self truth just to save $15.00 or less.
brother, the fact that a non-fiction book contains knowledge means that the true benefit in buying the book is always rewarded to the buyer and not to the seller.
The B.R.S.C.C. is on page 17 and the Killer Application is on page 105.
If the extent of your research into me only led you to 4 blogs, then here's a clue:
Insert my name into your search browser and see where it takes you.
Be sure to bite your tongue when you realize that Enoch Mubarak is respected, credible and bigger than life.
Insert: Enoch Mubarak and/or Mubarak Inter-prizes
Brother in as much as people like compliments don't let members like Francis swell your head by telling you things and saying things without competent evidence to support it.
The first thing that came to my mind after reading the following reply from francis was: Prove it.
Instead of you asking him to prove it you tell him "Thanks Francis"
Go back and ask francis to show you written, documented testimonial evidence supporting, proving and validating that:
Black self-determination bloggers collectively are using our blogs and our influence to improve the lives of Blacks politically, socially, economically, culturally, antod even spiritually.
AfroSpear bloggers use their blogs to promote the goals of the AfroSpear, of improving the lives of Black People throughout the Diaspora politically, culturally, economically, socially, and even spiritually.
The above account by Francis without the benefit of competent evidence is what you call empty rhetoric.
Without proof to validate Francis assertions he is for all practical purposes catering to your ego and making a fool out of you.
Observe the following example in which Enoch Mubarak supplies you 100% proof of truth in real-time.
The following is written testimonials from real African Americans in real-time from across the internet forums.
Brother, I dont deal in speculation, assumption, supposition, empty rhetoric or bold promises.
I deal in truth of the matter. Behold......
My Lord, Mr. Mubarak,
What passion you have for us sisters who do actually see how they are in a Catch 22. You have certainly inspired me to pick up a copy of your book, as well as the others in all fairness to your challenge of being the best on the state of the African-american Woman.
You have raised some very strong, valid, realtime points about the state of the African-American woman. I hope to be able to return in the near future, after I have read these books, and discuss "Undercover Smart."
Agnes ~ Too Wise Not To Praise Him!
Dear Enoch Mubarak
My word terminology has also greatly increased since I have been following and reading your posts. Your leadership is long over due.
Cynthia D. Johnson
CDJ Promotionals,
The San Diego Black Professionals
This is my first time reading this message from Enoch and all of the replies.
I think the bottom line is this. The economy is changing. I think it is time for us to pull together and teach each other how we can get beyond survival only.
Peace and Success!
Makena Gargonnu
Enoch you are a legend in your own time! Now that I have read this message, I will never let someone else tell me what is good for my health---without being fully informed!
Thanks Ella
Washington, DC
The Dallas-Ft.Worth (DFW) Black Professionals
Thank you for acknowledging what we endure to support, encourage, and strengthen our men, families and lives.
The Atlanta Black Professionals
powerful hmm, the state of Black America is unraveling
The Chicago Black Professionals
You are one ecentric person. I was driving down 79th a week ago and saw you in a pickup truck with your magnetic signs on the doors. I started to stop and introduce myself, but thought better of it. One day we will meet so that I can try to grasp your logic.
Until then...Peace
The New York City Black Professionals
I loved this! You've mentioned so much and I must say that I was really getting into what you was saying.
La Verne
The Washington Black Professionals
All of your commentary is insightful;
A former member
Black in the City
Thanks for your well written expose on the moral dilemma and status quote. We need the next generation, and I do what I can to promoted social change. It's nice to see on a larger scale that I am not alone. Keep doing what you do.
National Black Writers and Artist Association
Very well articulated and I concur.
Rachel S. Ramone
President, Executive Director
The Empowered Black Womens Network Alliance
Black Author Showcase
It isn't often enough that we as young brothers see our older brothers(mentors)displaying such strenghth,discipline and character.I have been following your posts and discussions as close as I can...it has without doubt been food for thought.Indeed it is time that we separate the bold and courageous form the cowardly at heart....continue to do what you do ...peace!
Reader, Writer, Artist
Black Author Showcase
Damn right Big Bro! As a people (an educated people) we need to stop looking around outside of ourselves for the very answers that lie within us.
CRhyme Syndicate
But good luck with your book sales though... I really mean that
KMyles - President; Wichita NAACP
African American Opinion
These are definitely some strong views.
The Boston Black Professionals
Please read and I especially want to hear from other Black men about the article and Enoch's feedback
A former member
San Diego Black Professionals
I think we all recognize where Enoch is coming from.Grace
The postings over the past few days were so dynamic and diverse in content that I feel inspired to post a note of appreciation.
San Marcos, CA
The Dallas-Ft.Worth (DFW) Black Professionals
The Dallas-Ft.Worth (DFW) Black Professionals
Thank you for your reponse. My expectations of your response were right on point. And, you did articulate facts in your response that were not available before.
Your acquired take on history is astounding. The opportunity to witness the unleashing of your potential power and influence--once you are enlightened, is exciting!
Deborah Guillory
Duncanville, TX
Atlanta Black Professionals
You are so right :-)
Jonesboro, GA
Atlanta Black Professionals
The only thing that is hindering us nowadays is that fact that we often seem to have more institutional book sense than business savvy and progressive thinking as to the future.
The Civil Rights Movement and Malcolm X's militant stance was moving toward progress in both civil and intellectual rights, but the ensuing generations dropped the ball on both. Now, "white America" as it stands is pushing for what they've waited for for nearly 40 years since Dr. King died -- a movement that will re-segregate and go back to things like they were.
A former member
Atlanta Black Professionals
This is a very serious allegation regarding a possible condition in California affecting the lives of African-Americans in our country. I'm hignly curious how this could have escaped media sources, though it would not be the first time something like that has happened.
Group Organizer
Marietta, GA
Atlanta Black Professionals
I do want some kind of control of my future and my community, so I know what group I want to be in. What about the others of you out there?
The Chicago Black Professionals
Reading some of Enoch's stuff would discourage me from joining this group!
A former member
I agree with you, totally. Mr. Enoch's rambling would actually scare off the faint of heart.
Chicago, IL
The Chicago Black Professionals
some he's disillisuioned for others he's strong. It's all in the eye and the perception of the beholder. However to quote another sister's comments on the former meetup, He woke up a lot of us who were otherwise asleep at the wheel.
A former member
I love your vision and admire your candor. We need to figure out how to clone these attributes and inject them into 38 million blacks.
The Mooche
Dana I am glad to hear your teachings and the Enoch thoughts of Naacp. It shows to me that I am not alone.. Now here is the kicker (not that this statement will matter) I m white..and I was born in Europe.
Thanks for your time and thoughts
Peter Hageman
I have been offline for a while but hope to be back on a more consistant basis.
For me, it is very interesting to return to this forum and see a message such as this. Although it mentions a local chapter, this can be seen throughout the country at many of the chapters.
We are more educated than at any other time in history but what have
we created? What have we produced? What are we currently creating
and producing? Are we at the forefront of the information age? Or
are we sitting back and waiting to see what everyone else is doing?
We need courage! Courage to push past the norm and create the new!
Courage to push past our fears and stand together with those of like
Courage to know that WE CAN DO for self and not just do for others! Most of us that have advanced education are sitting in Corporate America, creating and producing for others and their businesses.Well, this is definitely something to think about and brainstorm in your respective organizations. We need courage!
God Bless and Much Success,
Lol ! whats up my brother ...where have you been?I missed your down to earth logic and think tank solutions. Case in point love ya man for being you.
Hello, it has been a long time hearing from you. I hope our God has been good to you and keeps imparting wisdom upon you. I wanted to tell you about my response to this White female radio host complaining about Blacks missing the mark. All that she said about us missing the mark and not living up to our potential was correct and on target. Enoch, wisdom will awaken in many of our people. Just watch. I love debating, agreeing and disagreeing with you
Lynn R. Parker
Thanks for the kind words about me brother Enoch. My birthday was yesterday so the ring and the cake were endearing gestures for me. They made me smile! Stay Empowered, Rachel
Rachel S. Ramone
President, Executive Director
The Empowered Black Womens Network Alliance
fabulous. amen.
Ananda Kiamsha Madelyn Leeke
[quote]"The AfroSpear is a national and international group of Black self-determination bloggers collectively using our blogs and our influence to improve the lives of Blacks politically, socially, economically, culturally, antod even spiritually. AfroSpear bloggers use their blogs and their voices in various different ways, depending upon their expertise and preferences, to promote the goals of the AfroSpear, of improving the lives of Black People throughout the Diaspora politically, culturally, economically, socially, and even spiritually.[/quote]
With all due respect - and I am asking this with full knowledge that you all are independent contributors working in your own way:
Francis L. Holland Blog, others:
In my adult life as a Black man I have come to the conclusion that there is "What is POPULARLY ASSUMED to be the BEST INTERESTS OF BLACK PEOPLE" and then there is that which can be "MEASURABLY PROVEN to be the best interests of Black people". There is not always a direct correlation between the two.
One thing that can be said, however, of the things on the former point (Popularly Assumed) - you'll never be called a "sellout" for pursuing these things that are popular among our people but with the later - you could face "deblackification" for doing so.
If indeed you and other Bloggers, Black politicians and activists are "working in the best interests of our Black community" then you would also be in favor of producing some "annual report" regarding where you stand and how the ball has been moved forward from year to year.
As it stands right now - our people love our leaders to provide us with a check list of ACTIVITIES having been done. This in no way indicates the COMPREHENSIVENESS or PROPORTIONAL BENEFIT to the problem at hand that we face. If you LIKE this individual and he listed an activity that moved us laterally rather than forward - he will receive high praise for his work. If you dislike that individual but his effort has severed one more bungy cord that has our current consciousness tied to our SLAVE PAST and thus has us to look to the future of where we WANT TO BE rather than that short interval of slavery in our past that trumps the 10,000 year experiences of our ancestors who knew not the masters whip - this Black person is spat upon because he has rejected the inferiority that is popularly accepted of us.
In closing - how do you make such a statement above unless you have a REFERENCE MODEL or a MAP and then have your advocacy being your daily mileage log toward that given end?
This is the key difference between the SCENIC ROUTE on the journey with is fulfilling but has no end and the journey that is often described in the Chinese fortune cookie:
"The learning derived in the journey is far more important than the journey's end".
the question (and subsequent answer) are moot based on your correct evaluation: "I am asking this with full knowledge that you all are independent contributors working in your own way."
with so many varied thoughts, you will probably receive as many different responses as there are members of the AfroSpear. personally, i see it as a good place to find a variety of thought on any number of subjects.
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