There were three Democratic Presidential contests on Saturday, February 9th... Barack Obama won all three as Hillary Clinton's campaign continues to show signs of fading after Super Tuesday. Obama beat Clinton, 58 percent to 36 percent, in Louisiana. Obama romped with a 68 percent to 32 percent victory in Nebraska, and then had another overwhelming win in the Washington caucuses, 68 percent to 31 percent. With these wins, even when counting Super Delegates, Obama and Clinton are in a dead heat with Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC on tap for this Tuesday; with the wind in his sails, Obama could surge ahead with convincing wins in those primaries.
Read the entire Washington Post article here.
plez sez: on the heels of taking the most states on super tuesday where he won thirteen states to hillary's seven, Obama is now poised to pull ahead in the delegate count and make a strong case for capturing the democratic nomination. there are (meaningless) polls that suggest that Obama fares better nationally against john mccain than hillary clinton. the democratic party has the nominee that can deliver the votes across the most demographic populations, and that nominee is BARACK OBAMA. he energizes the populous and his message of hope & opportunity really gives democrats, independents, and moderate republicans someone to VOTE FOR as opposed to a candidate to vote against.
i sent another contribution to his campaign the day after super tuesday... money well spent! it's feeling more and more like plezWorld should be making plans to be in washington, dc on january 20, 2009 for obama's inauguration!
BLOG UPDATE (02/10/2008 2:00 PM): Obama also pitched a delegate shutout in the US Virgin Islands with 90 percent of the vote... he'll undoubtedly get all three of their delegates!
When Lyrics Get Lost in Translation
5 months ago
I feel much better about things today. I was slightly depressed about the Super Tuesday results ... reflects the higher expectations that I had for the night.
Anyhow, it is good to see that Obama won so convincely in states with very low African American populations (Washington and Nebraksa).
peace, Villager
Add Maine to that group too...unless the Clintons will try and spin that the 10 Blacks in Maine tipped it his way.
Come on Chesapeake Primary States...don't let us down! :)
I've got everything crossed until Tuesday night at 8 p.m. EST...LOL
I really wish folk would stop talking about Obama being behind in delegates. When we watch most mainstream media outlets, they tend to count "super delegate" not just the regular delegates won because of primaries and caucuses. In other words, they are SPECULATING about how they think the super delegates will vote, which is why you see different figures on different news programs and news websites.
I'm not a huge fan of NBC, but at least they have the sense to report the numbers of delegates actually won (without the super delegate count). If you wanna see the raw numbers as of now, go to:
Obama - 943
Billary - 895
Let's see how these number's change after tomorrow's contests...
I'm so excited about tomorrow! I want another sweep!
I don't get the sense that Hillary has momentum at this point. She did early on, as the choice of women and democrats dissatified with the White House, but she preached her 'experience', which voters have turned their back on. They want new blood, not the same old Democratic Machine that Hillary represents. As the nightly news stated a few days ago....Hillary is packing Auditoriums. Barrack is packing Arenas. Without her jilted -lover, ex-wife bitter old maid powerbase, Hillary doesn't stand a chance from my point of view.
i think all of the comments above are on point: Obama is poised to win this thing outright by early March, if he can maintain his momentum. if you look at the votes since the primary season started, Billary tweaked their MOJO to pull out a close win in New Hampshire, but have continued to fade ever since.
if super tuesday had fewer states with more of an opportunity for Obama to see more of the electorate, it is quite possible that he would've pitched a shutout: he was gaining momentum in California and the endorsements from the Kennedy clan didn't help as much as he'd anticipated in Massachusetts.
i don't see Billary winning any of the races during the Potomac Primaries: DC is a shoo-in, the demographics of Maryland favor Obama (large Black population, large upper-middle class population), and to paraphrase Bill Clinton's South Carolina quip, "...don't forget that Virginia went for Jesse Jackson back in '88!"
my mother and several relatives live in VA, they are ALL voting for Obama on tomorrow.
Hi there - I just found you on Blog365. I'm a fellow Obama supporter and just wanted to share my story about voting in in the WA state caucus on Feb. 9.
I come from a strong Democratic family, so I've always been active in politics, but I've never seen a caucus turnout anywhere near this. The passion for Sen. Obama was unbelievable. He drew people of all ages and races and I've never seen that type of excitement for any candidate.
We had a woman speak up for him who had taught him at Occidental College. A woman who'd spent five years working in the Clinton White House said our country needed to move forward, not backward. And a man brought his two young daughters with him. He had seen RFK the day before his assassination and his voice broke when he said that he's never felt this way about a candidate since '68.
There wasn't enough room inside for all the caucus-goers, so people had to meet outdoors. Each precinct averaged between 75-90% for Obama.
We're going to contribute again before the March 4 primaries, which are so important.
You have a wonderful blog. Thank you.
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