When Lyrics Get Lost in Translation
5 months ago
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Do you recall Rudy? He was the national frontrunner. Then he lost six straight primaries and he became a laughingstock and he had to limp off the field.
If Obama lost eleven straight primaries the same thing would happen to him.
I'm not sure why Hillary gets a pass. I guess Hillary has to lose 15 straight times before the media and her campaign will see the reality of the situation...
I hope Obama can pull out Ohio...
peace, Villager
Why do the majority of you and your readers have a hard-on for Hillary? The reason why she is still debating and fighting is because shes got a shot. If roles were reversed and Barack was behind in the delegate count with a mathematical chance he'd stay in, no doubt, if he didn't he'd be a quitter. As I've said over and over Barack is the man and will be the next President, but does everyone just want his opponents to bend over and take it or give him a fight so his nomination is earned?
I have already written off Hillary, but it doesn't mean she's not going to make a run. Politics is like the NBA, everyone makes a run.
i don't know if i'd call the other candidates who've dropped out (dodd, biden, edwards, guiliani, romney, etc.) quitters... i'm just really interested to find out how this thing plays out considering how poorly she has performed over the past couple of weeks.
and i think politics is more like MLB (in the NBA, you can sit on a 4th quarter lead)... it ain't over until it's over... and Hillary hasn't had her last at-bat!
i'm just wondering what the Clintonistas are going to do to pull this nomination out!
They are going to try, but come up just short and the superdelegates are going to go along lines with their constituants to avoid being called hypocritical and be compared to the Electoral College that stole the nomination from Gore back in 2000.
Obama would be a quitter as would Hillary if they gave up when its as close as it is.
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